Sustainability-related Regulations Database

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Long Service Leave Act 1981

Description: A short description of the legislation.

The Northern Territory (NT) Long Service Leave Act of 1981 provides a framework for long service leave entitlements within the territory, Australia. It stipulates conditions for eligibility, accrual rates, and leave calculation, typically after a specified period of continuous service with an employer. The Act aims to ensure employees receive remuneration and time off for extended service, promoting retention and acknowledging their contributions to the workforce. Additionally, it establishes mechanisms for resolving disputes related to long service leave, contributing to a fair and equitable working environment in the Northern Territory.

Application to Australian agriculture: Where the legislation is applicable.

The NT Long Service Leave Act of 1981 impacts agriculture by providing eligible agricultural workers with entitlements to long service leave. It ensures that those who have dedicated substantial time to the agricultural sector receive paid leave, promoting workforce stability and recognizing their contributions to the industry's sustainability.

Compliance information: Often the evidence of compliance against a piece of legislation is that there is not a breach of the Act. Where appropriate, the developers of this database have listed evidence which could be used to show compliance if a breach was to be found. Many Best Management Practice (BMP) schemes and other certifications in Australian agriculture include this evidence for accreditation.

The following documentation/information is required to provide evidence of compliance.

(1) Records of Long Service Leave (2) Contracts (3) Payroll Records (4) Leave Accrual Statement

Additional information: The entity this legislation originates from.

NT Department of Trade, Business and Innovation →

Source documents: Links to the legislation documents.