Sustainability-related Regulations Database

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Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No.10

Description: A short description of the legislation.

The New South Wales Work Health and Safety Act 2011 is legislation designed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of workers in the state. It outlines the legal obligations of employers, workers, and other parties to maintain a safe work environment, free from risks to physical and mental health. The Act mandates the identification and management of workplace hazards, consultation with workers on health and safety matters, and the provision of training and resources to prevent accidents and injuries. Penalties for non-compliance are stipulated, underscoring the importance of adherence to the Act to protect the well-being of individuals in the workplace.

Application to Australian agriculture: Where the legislation is applicable.

The NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 applies to the agriculture industry, aiming to safeguard workers from hazards like machinery accidents, chemical exposure, and manual handling injuries. It mandates risk assessment, safety training, and equipment maintenance to ensure a safe working environment, addressing unique challenges within agricultural settings.

Compliance information: Often the evidence of compliance against a piece of legislation is that there is not a breach of the Act. Where appropriate, the developers of this database have listed evidence which could be used to show compliance if a breach was to be found. Many Best Management Practice (BMP) schemes and other certifications in Australian agriculture include this evidence for accreditation.

The following documentation/information is required to provide evidence of compliance.

(1) Safety Policies and Procedures (2) Risk Assessments and Control Measures (3) Training Records (4) Workplace Inspections and Audits (5) Incident Reports (6) Compliance Notices (7) Consultation Records (8) Health and Safety Committee Documentation (9) Maintenance Records (10) Emergency and Evacuation Procedures

Additional information: The entity this legislation originates from.

SafeWork NSW →

Source documents: Links to the legislation documents.