Sustainability-related Regulations Database

23 Results - Page: 3 of 3

Age Discrimination Act 2004
Type: Federal Legislation,
State: N/A

The Age Discrimination Act 2004 is an important piece of Australian legislation that aims to protect individuals from discrimination based on their age in various aspects of public life. This Act applies to employment, education, access to premises, provision of goods, services, and facilities, as well as accommodation and land. It seeks to promote equality among Australians, regardless of their age, by prohibiting unfair treatment in these areas. The Act is enforced by the Australian Human Rights Commission, which can investigate complaints about age discrimination. It plays a crucial role in creating an inclusive society where age-based prejudice and barriers are actively challenged and reduced.

Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Type: Federal Legislation,
State: N/A

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 is a landmark Australian legislation aimed at eliminating discrimination against individuals with disabilities. This Act encompasses a wide range of areas including employment, education, access to premises, provision of goods and services, and accommodation. It requires that reasonable adjustments be made to accommodate people with disabilities and promotes equal rights and opportunities for them. The Act is enforced by the Australian Human Rights Commission, which handles complaints and promotes compliance. Its objective is to create an inclusive society where individuals with disabilities can participate fully and are treated equitably in all aspects of life.

Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)
Type: Federal Legislation,
State: N/A

The object of this Act is to enhance the welfare of Australians through the promotion of competition and fair trading and provision for consumer protection