The objects of this Act are the following:
(a) to ensure that goods that are exported:
(i) meet relevant importing country requirements to enable and maintain overseas market access for goods exported from Australia; and
(ii) comply with government or industry standards or requirements relating to the goods; and
(iii) are traceable and, if necessary, can be recalled;
(b) to ensure the integrity of goods that are exported;
© to ensure that trade descriptions for goods that are exported are accurate;
(d) to give effect to Australia’s rights and obligations relating to goods that are exported under any international agreements to which Australia is a party
The object of this Act is to ensure a high standard of public health protection throughout Australia and New Zealand by means of the establishment and operation of a joint body to be known as Food Standards Australia New Zealand to achieve the following goals: (a) a high degree of consumer confidence in the quality and safety of food produced, processed, sold or exported from Australia and New Zealand; (b) an effective, transparent and accountable regulatory framework within which the food industry can work efficiently; © the provision of adequate information relating to food to enable consumers to make informed choices; (d) the establishment of common rules for both countries and the promotion of consistency between domestic and international food regulatory measures without reducing the safeguards applying to public health and consumer protection.