The purpose of this Act is to—
(a) prevent cruelty to animals; and
(b) to encourage the considerate treatment of animals; and
(c) to improve the level of community awareness about the prevention of cruelty to animals.
The objects of this Act are:(a) to ensure that animals are treated humanely; and (b) to prevent cruelty to animals; and © to promote community awareness about responsibilities and legal obligations associated with the care and protection of animals; and (d) to regulate the activities of persons who use animals for scientific purposes.
The main objects of this Act are to recognise that— (a) animals are sentient beings that are able to subjectively feel and perceive the world around them; and (b) animals have intrinsic value and deserve to be treated with compassion and have a quality of life that reflects their intrinsic value; and © people have a duty to care for the physical and mental welfare of animals. (2) This is to be achieved particularly by— (a) promoting and protecting the welfare of animals; and (b) providing for the proper and humane care, management and treatment of animals; and © deterring and preventing animal cruelty and the abuse and neglect of animals; and (d) enforcing laws about the matters mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b) and ©.
The objects of this Part are — (a) to promote and protect the welfare, safety and health of animals; and (b) to ensure animals are properly and humanely treated, cared for and managed.
Dictates animal management and care standards in Tasmania.
The objects of this Act are— (a) to prevent cruelty to animals, and (b) to promote the welfare of animals by requiring a person in charge of an animal— (i) to provide care for the animal, and (ii) to treat the animal in a humane manner, and (iii) to ensure the welfare of the animal, and © to promote the welfare of dogs and cats by requiring information about them to be provided when they are advertised for sale.
This Act governs the treatment of animals in South Australia
The purposes of this Act are to do the following— (a) promote the responsible care and use of animals; (b) provide standards for the care and use of animals that— (i) achieve a reasonable balance between the welfare of animals and the interests of persons whose livelihood is dependent on animals; and (ii) allow for the effect of advancements in scientific knowledge about animal biology and changes in community expectations about practices involving animals; © protect animals from unjustifiable, unnecessary or unreasonable pain; (d) ensure the use of animals for scientific purposes is accountable, open and responsible.